Monday, December 17, 2007

East Central Illinois Dads

I just started a new dad's group called ECI Dads!
I am very excited to be a part of this new group,
and so is Noah! If you would like to learn more about
ECI Dads go to this web site:


Just A Guy said...

hey! i was excited to hear you made a go of the group! that's great news. congratulations!

S.A.H.D. Guy said...

In the newspaper? Excellent! Can't wait to see it.

Martin Srajek said...

Dear Eric,

I just read the article in the paper. I am so glad you started this group. I'd love to come some time (though I'm not a full-time stay-at-home-dad) just to talk to you and other members about your experience.

Perhaps you and I (and kids) could meet some time. Look me up at

Martin (