Tuesday, November 6, 2007

SAHD's Convention Recap! It Was Great!


Ski4Free said...

Eric, way to go, video Blogs! You are going to be Blogrolled on my blog http://www.milehighdad.net .

It was an honor to meet you this last weekend in KC!


S.A.H.D. Guy said...

Hey wow! I got mentioned 2 times on your blog! LOL! Seriously, it was great meeting you too, Eric. I look forward to chatting and blogging with your for a long time. I am really glad we got the chance to meet in KC; I'm lucky to have found such an awesome friend!

Eric and Sonia said...

what can i say, i am blogging pro! Nice to meet you both at the convention! See you both in California!

Just A Guy said...

glad to hear you had a good time. hopefully i'll be there next year.

keep up the blog!

Eric and Sonia said...

We'll look for you next year in Sacramento!