Friday, August 20, 2010

ECI Dads is Back!

Hey, I've decided to get motivated to blog more often. I can't believe it's been almost 2 years since my last post - that is pathetic!!

Anyway, with the help of another stay home dad, Will, we have started our ECI Dads group up again. We have met several times in the last 2 months and are planning more get togethers, both with the kids and a dad's night out. I am excited about this opportunity and thankful that I am getting help from my friend Will to get ECI Dads going again. Stay tuned for more posts.....


Dr. Z said...

So it is good to see that you decided to begin blogging again. How is the family?

Dr. Z said...

So it is good to see that you decided to begin blogging again. How is the family?